Our therapeutic arts program has trained more than 80 African therapeutic artists who provide arts-based programming in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda reached over 10,000 vulnerable persons
Here are a few interesting academic articles (once in PubMed you can click for full article):
An in-depth introduction to arts-based spiritual healthcare: Creatively seeking and expressing purpose and meaning
Carlos Laranjeira, Ana Querido
Front Psychol
. 2023 Mar 17;14:1132584. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1132584
The Effects of Art Therapy on Anxiety and Distress for Korean-Ukrainian Refugee: Quasi-Experimental Design Study.
Kim SY, Lee JS, Choi H.
Healthcare (Basel)
.2023 Feb 6;11(4):466
Art Therapy Interventions for Syrian Child and Adolescent Refugees: Enhancing Mental Well-being and Resilience
Curr Psychiatry Rep
2023 Dec;25(12):857-863.